


健康我们相信!天啊,这真让我心痛。帕蒂-米尔斯,潘德graph,特拉维斯,鲁迪,奥登,麦克米伦,保罗-艾伦,莫-卢卡斯,LMA的膝盖疼痛,开拓者现在正带着伤病从管理层走到场上。然而,这是我的团队。我不玩,很显然,我还没有去过俄勒冈州十年,但这是我的团队,这些都是我的人,虽然我觉得恶心和失望,我不会停止看,我不会停止加油,我不会停止支持团队和我的时间和金钱。这不仅仅是一场游戏,这事关人们的生命和健康。我相信他们每一个人,作为个人,我相信他们会渡过难关。我爱我的球队,即使我们永远不能赢得总冠军,我也会为他们而努力。我知道在命运的毁灭之后,可能会有交易。对于我来说,那些可能离开的人永远都是开拓者,他们永远都是“我的人”,我感谢他们为球队带来的一切。 It’s funny, because I’ve only ever met Blake and Outlaw, and that was briefly. I can’t say I know these guys in person, but I’ve watched them all, I’ve watched most of them play in college. I have followed their careers from the time that they were just "potential Blazers." But I know them. I’ve watched them respond to adversity and perceived unfairness, I’ve watched them succeed, I’ve watched them choke and fail, I’ve watched them respond to both. Even though this is a game, you can get a sense for the caliber of a person as you watch them compete at this level when it’s not just a sport to them, it’s a livelihood. They are my Heroes, they are our Heroes. They are the "soldiers" we send forth to represent the pride of the city and the region. Like the ancient Greek city states, these men stride forth in "battle" against other cities for honor and glory, celebrating the highest levels of athleticism, skill, strategy, individual merit, and teamwork. These are my Trail Blazers, these are my Heroes, and even though it hurts, I will not stop watching, I will not stop cheering. Go Blazers! RIP CITY FOREVER!
