

Why oh why oh why?

It's not fair. Greg is one of the few genuinely good guys in the league. He has done everything right. He has worked endless hours to get back on the court. And last night, he lay writhing in pain on the Rose Garden floor. All that work, gone in a second. All that pressure and criticism he already had, only amplified.

Next summer, he will become eligible for a contract extension, and the way he was playing he probably would have gotten a nice-sized contract. He might as well wave that goodbye. No team is going to give him a big contract now. And what doesGreg Odenhave to say, laying on the ground in awful pain, knowing everything he has worked so hard for is going to be ripped away from him?

"Sorry". He felt he was letting the team down.

This is the guy who was expected to dominate the game and, right or not, put up #1 pick numbers. He knows that. But the way he plays, it is clear he doesn't care about numbers. Just about the team.

Every single writer or person that has ever known him, has had nothing but great things to say about him. Yet this is his second season-ending knee injury in 3 years. Although I don't wish these injuries on anyone, why couldn't this have happened toBonzi Wellsor Isaiah Rider instead of Greg?

Why Greg? Why? It doesn't make sense. Just goes to show you that life isn't fair. You can be a great person, a hard worker, do everything right, already have been through more than most people go through in a lifetime and still have these kind of things happen to you. It's not fair.