好吧,我们跟丢了格雷格。毫无疑问,这是一个巨大的损失。话虽如此,我对我们现在的处境感到很兴奋。开拓者去年处于劣势,但他们取得了成功。我们现在是一个极端悲伤的故事。我们比洛奇对德拉戈更弱。有了巴图姆,特劳特,新秀,鲁迪的伤病困扰,洛杉矶的伤病困扰,现在还有格雷格。我们的老板和助理教练也有严重的健康问题…我们是可怜的。这要么会让我们陷入绝望,要么会让我们走向伟大。想想看——贝莱斯在冲刺时的表现非常出色。 Dante looks as if he can be a terrific role player. Rudy, if he can stay healthy, has the ability to get all the minutes he can handle. Now, before we give up on these guys and trade them- We can actually play them and figure out what we have. There's no pressure on the Blazers now. With Greg's injury, our unrealistic expectations finally can come back to the ground. Our shitty situation and drama now has the potential to end. The team HAS to come together. Guys HAVE to step up. It's strange, but in a way our season just got a whole lot more exciting.