米勒不首发的唯一原因是罗伊喜欢拿球。布雷克上场的唯一原因是罗伊喜欢他作为他三分的出口。贝勒斯能投三分(和布雷克今年的表现一样好),能把球推进到前场,能给球队带来缺少的能量,哦,是的,他还能站在他的人的前面。还有其他的控卫能提供这些技能吗?是的,他需要学习,但不是如何分配。罗伊,鲁迪和米勒可以做到,他需要学习如何控制和选择他的位置。让我觉得很好笑的是,这支球队最需要的两件事(快速防守和得分)却掌握在一个大部分时间坐在板凳上磨牙的球员身上。如果能从这些伤病中得到一个积极的结果,那就是给一个孩子一些时间,这可能是我们解决控卫问题的办法。看看其他球队,他们的后卫都很强势。他们不需要一个典型的控球后卫,因为他们自己就是比赛组织者。 They need some one who can handle the ball and take some of the scoring load. Derek fisher, Moe Williams, Mario Chalmers, Arron Brooks, Tony Parker, Mike Bibbie, The list goes on. There are only a few pass first, offense running PG's. The rest are scoring guards who aren't quite two's. All I know is that if we lose Bayless before he ever gets a serious run, its going to be a huge mistake for this franchise. Not because he may pan out for another team, but because we never gave him a chance to succeed here.