昨晚我坐在家里的沙发上看开拓者队(Trail Blazers)的比赛,当时我在接受一位芝加哥专栏作家的电话采访时听到了一些话,这让我陷入了沉思。他说了一些话,说芝加哥和一群年轻球员处于同样的位置,每个人都爱上了他们,从偏见的角度来看,他们可能高估了。本质上,他说没有人被交易,它只是内爆到今天的大混乱。虽然我不相信波特兰也有同样的问题,但这确实让我感到怀疑。我们是否高估了我们的球员?我们是不是太爱他们了,以至于不能交换他们?我认为这两个问题的答案都是肯定的。但在我们的辩护中,我们作为开拓者球迷已经被推动去抓住一些不受污染的东西,就像我们在监狱开拓者时代的最后几年所期待的那样。有一种说法是真的,你拥有太多“资产”(玩家),从外部看,我们确实如此。我们在很多位置上都有很多优秀的球员。 Lets take Travis Outlaw for example looking from the outside in. He is a high volume shooter that comes off the bench. Thats all he is thats all he will ever be. He once said he wanted to be a ALL STAR well last time I checked bench players dont make the ALL STAR team. All im saying is that we as fans are guilty of liking these guys too much to get rid of them maybe not now but in the future as well. I know I found myself having a hard time imaging som of our players on different teams. But I think we need to start looking at them as other teams do as really good ASSETS.