
Trade Drawer - Feb 11: Tough Juice Edition

It's a Trade Drawer with a theme, and that theme is Caron Butler.

Folks might go back and forth on whether he's a small forward or not, but let's just play him there. And, with the Wizards so completely awful, it seems like they might be willing to blow up the roster and try a new approach. Isn't that what Quick was getting at?

For those of you unfamiliar with Caronomo, here isa great interview with himat Ball Don't Lie. He seems like a cool dude who goes to kids birthday parties.

I get requests and stuff like that. If I'm not doing anything, I don't have a problem stepping out and having a good time, and making somebody's day. It's rewarding for me, and obviously it helps them. But it helps me too because of the impact you have on somebody's life.

Skills for days: check

character: check

你可能必须添加又名金票RLEC, Outlaw to replace CB, but what about one of our three rookies in Batum, Rudy, or Rex?

Now, fellow Blazers Edgers: What is an acceptable amount of talent that you'd be willing to give up on in order to get Tough Juice in the Red and Black?

UPDATE: I posted a post about this post over at bulletsforever. The people over there are NOT feelin this trade, and it's easy to understand. Their team stinks, and Caron is the one good thing going for it. Still, see if you can sell it to themhere.