
LaMarcus and 2010: Is it a given he will stay a Blazer?

One argument comes up quite often in the discussions about potentially trading for Amar'e Stoudemire or Chris Bosh: Yes, but they can walk away as free agents in 2010. So we rent them for a year, then they don't re-sign and walk away for nothing in return.

Good point. But here is the problem: LaMarcus could do the same thing.

His rookie scale contract would end in the infamous "summer of 2010" on the exact same date as LeBron's, Bosh's, and Stoudemire's (ETO). The big difference is that the Blazers can match offers for him as a restricted free agent. Of course we all hope that he loves Portland and wants to stay for at least a long time, but is that a given? Are we sure?

他是一个聪明敏感的人根据to some reports sometimes felt left out by Nate and Roy in the past (their relationship has improved). While he doesn't seem to seek superstar attention, he also wants recognition and doesn't take it lightly if people violate his trust. The Blazers likely won't be willing to give him a maximum salary extension partly because he isn't really worth that much and they have to re-sign Roy too and Oden a year later. (Yes, I know about Bird rights that allow you to go over the cap to re-sign certain own free agents. I still don't expect him to get the max here.) Maybe another team will offer him that, especially when they miss out on their first target. Is LaMarcus as attached to the region as Roy? For all I know, his dream career could be to go back to his hometown and play for Dallas. His dream could be to replace Tim Duncan in San Antonio. His dream could be to play for the Knicks or even the Lakers. I really don't know. Do you know for sure? Can we use the 2010 argument against acquiring one of those major power forwards without thinking about our own one?

If Pritchard is fairly certain that LaMarcus will extend already in advance in 2009 or at least is ready to re-sign in 2010, no worries (he can't begin to talk to his agent about that until this summer). But if he isn't sure and fears that he might have to overpay to keep a player who would rather want to leave, wouldn't he need to talk to other teams about trading for their stars? I would expect him to do that anyway. A GM shouldn't stand on the sidelines and just watch when one of the major competitors seems to go into firesale mode putting major players on the market like Phoenix and rumors out of Toronto have it that their star might be unhappy there. So they talk about direct deals or multiple-team deals. Probably nothing will come out of it that affects LaMarcus, and he will stay for good. But it's not automatic.

I just wanted to bring that up.

P.S.: Joel has an early termination option to end his contract in 2010 and become even an unrestricted free agent if he wanted. Blake and Travis are also unrestricted in 2010. The Blazer family could experience some moving outs.