
Brandon Roy + CP3 = Dream Teammates

First of all, i know this idea has been kicked around in here for a few years...I don't know if it could ever happen, but imagine Roy and CP3 on the same team.

Last year when they played on the same team for the all star game, they meshed so well! yeah, I know it's an all star game, but it really got me dreaming. I'm sure some of you were as well. To see this on ESPN is a testament to how good they both are, and also shows the respect Roy is getting all over the nation. I don't think we could ever trade for CP3, but maybe during free agency, somehow, we can try our very hardest to pick him never know!

also, while you are reading this-Rudy got robbed and I was very proud of his performance in the dunk contest and rookie game. Very proud.

Which dream trade would you guys love to see? I would probably take CP3 over about any other trade besides maybe duncan, Lebron, Kobe and D-Howard (but i still love Oden). I'm probably forgetting a few but that's when you guys remind me in the comment section. Go Blazers!