
GO's Offense

If you look at my screen name you know I am a fan of Oden. I don"t think he is the next Shaq, never did. He sure as heck ISN'T the next Sam Bowie. Who is he? Why Greg Oden, of course.

There has been much lamentation and nashing of teeth so far about his play this season. Some people have wondered if we shouldn't have taken Durant. Others have called him a bust. One wise fellow from a state south of the NW openly suggested that He would rather have Spencer Hawes than GO.....yea .. ok.

Lots of discussion about fouls and injuries and production. But what about usage?

Why on earth does it appear that our team has utterly no idea how to get this man the ball? In the first half last night we were producing no offense to speak of... jump shots where not falling calls were not going our way. Greg had an insane mismatch. Result? no shots out of the offense in the first half and two in the second half. The remainding four shots were all off rebounds/tips. Multiple times in the first quarter GO was open or had position and was ignored. His two shots in the 3rd quarter were off back screens to free him up deep and the ball was delivered fairly well. So why not more?

His best games have revolved around getting the ball in the post as much as avoiding foul trouble. At times it appears he gets much better calls when he is getting the ball on offense regularly.

If this team is going to make the next step and win in the playoffs it cerainly isn't going to happen from the perimeter. Getting Greg the ball consistently when and where he needs it is probably the key to taking the next step. If the PG's we have can't or won't get it done then get new ones. If the coaching staff lacks the will or understanding to make it happen them get coaches that will/do.

Thats my rant