
Chris Sheridan, comic genius?

Tuning into Courtside tonight, I was happy to hear that Chris Sheridan would be a guest. I was interested to hear what a "national" media guy--presumably someone with an objective perspective--would say about the Blazers' trade prospects. But that jokester was only interested in putting us on with his silly antics. In case you didn't check out the show, Sheridan proposed the following trade as beneficial to both teams: Vince Carter for RLEC, Travis Outlaw, Rudy Fernandez, and a couple second round draft picks.

I waited for Sheridan to suddenly yell, "NOT!" and crack up. But he didn't. Instead, with a straight face, he expounded on what a wonderful player Carter still is (spectacular offensively and adequate defensively) and how perfectly he would fit the Blazers' needs.

So: could it be he was SERIOUS?? Assuming he was, I'm wondering what could account for this absurd trade proposal from an NBA "expert." Being honest, I really have no clue. And as regulars at this site will attest, I usually have an opinion. What bizarro alternate universe might Chris Sheridan inhabit in which that trade makes sense?