
Hear The Thunder

I like that team, how they play and how they're coached. They've got some exciting guys in Durant, Green and Westbrook. I've always like Collison. They also have a top notch General Manager who has set them up nicely with what he has already accumulated, his future draft picks, and the huge gift that was handed him by KP in the 2007 draft. They are a team to be reckoned with and will provide very stiff competition for the Blazers over the coming years. They are easily my second favorite NBA team. I'm happy they moved because I would never let myself root for a Seattle team ..... I just couldn't be responsible for doing that. But now I can allow my enthusiasm to run rampant while following these ex-Sonics. Too bad their owner is a dildo though.

On a side note of sorts, I love how Brooks lets his team play free, loose and easy. They are fun to watch and are having fun themselves. Carlisimo was a Nate type coach ... heavy handed and controlling. That is the right style for some teams, but not for ones loaded with young, athletic, fast racehorses like the Thunder and especially the current Blazers. Nate has our young team thinking too much, not allowing them to use their basketball skills and instincts. Time for him to finally show some flexibility .... or hand the reins to another coach who is willing to free-wheel. Hmmm, I still can't get out of my mind how/why Nate didn't sign an extension last year.