
I have some thoughts about the Amar'e talk from Marc Stein

Of course this this is pretty much just a rumor right now, take with a grain of sat accordingly:

Marc Stein has been dropping hints about the Blazers talking with the Suns about Amar'ehereand more specificallyhere. In the first link, he suggests a trade of Travis, RLEC and Jerryd could work. He then mentions that the Blazers do not want to trade Bayless. If, and I know it's a big if, the Blazers are talking about shipping RLEC, Travis and some other piece for Amar'e, what are your thoughts? I wonder if a starting lineup of Blake, Roy, Amar'e, LaMarcus and Oden be too congested on offense. Would smaller teams run circles around them, or would having three athletic big men be able to snuff out almost any team? On offense, I don't know if there would there be enough balance. Would everyone be able (I'm looking right at LaMarcus) to get their shots? I'm also not sure how Amar'e would ease into our system. From Stephen A. Smith,earlier this season:

When asked about his situation, Stoudemire said, "You've got LeBron James who's a featured guy. You've got Dwyane Wade. He's a featured guy. Dwight Howard? They go to him. Chris Bosh? They go to him.

"Bottom line: I want to be that guy. I want to show the league and the world that I feel like my game has improved to that level."

When asked whether he felt Porter's new system was helping that cause, Stoudemire said, "I'm not sure."

When told it wasn't good for him to feel that way, his response: "It ain't great!"

Do you think it'd be worth it to pull the trigger? I'd love to hear other people's thoughts.