

有人真的认为阿罗德从未使用过类固醇吗?我以前说过,也会再次强调,除了足球,还有什么其他的运动能让球员被选中,他们的期望是,除非他们强壮起来,否则不能发挥他们的潜力。类固醇在NBA是最大的丑闻,记住我的话。还记得马克·麦奎尔的时候我们有多蠢吗眼睁睁看着他粗壮的身躯。这难道不像是我们给予玩家的关注和敬意吗?德怀特·h ?这似乎好得令人难以置信....可能是的,常识是,你看看其他任何运动,都有类似的药物问题,为什么nba不这样做呢?当然,你时不时会遇到像奥登或奥尼尔这样需要减重的人,但95%的情况是相反的。是任何其他运动,和nba一样安静和控制。 i think the nba is alittle more tight with its coverups, just look at the ref scandles and how they blew that one over. mabey alot of the injuries can be attributed to performance enhancing drugs or it seems when players come off such drugs. closer to home, mabey the problem with the blazers are they are not taking enough steriods. can you imagine lamarcus on the juice, or better broy, travis or nic. oden doesnt need any but he could use some amphetimines.