
Do I remember these two Nate quotes/attributions correctly?

Like many here I'm a coach. I admit that I have used the media more than once for political spin or to bring home points and motivate my players. Thus I take second hand (media) representations of team dynamics with a grain of salt. I also think Nate's been great so far.

But two recent statements attributed to him in the media (and the lack of their manifestation on the court) are bothering me. If I understood correctly Joel was quoted as saying that "pound the paint" has been part of nearly every game plan for quite some time. He also allowed that the players have ignored that directive until recently.

I also remember Nate as being quoted as saying that switching on picks is a breakdown/emergency option. That doesn't seem to be born out on game film. Do I misremember these two statements? Trusting that I'm close, I make the following observation:

I have lost the focused attention of every one of my players over the course of long, multiyear associations. And I've seen plenty of my peers lose their audiences as well. In my experience it's the core players- those closest to the coach- that often seem to lose listening skills first. This in and of itself isn't such a big deal in my opinion. To me it's simply the product of monotony and fatigue.

But what the coach does after realizing that his team has tuned him out is a defining quality of the team and the coach. I am reminded of a story about Pat Riley burying his head in a bucket of half melted ice for quite a length of time in an effort to get Alonzo Mourning and friends to refocus on what he wanted them doing differently.

We all seem to agree that it's time for Nate to get a dozen guys to change some habits. But first do I remember these two quotes correctly?

If so, how would you as Coach-for- a-day make dedicated and seemingly coachable (but young) professionals begin listening again and doing as directed?

I propose that changing their bad habits (isos, jump shooting and coasting around picks) won't happen until they are reengaged. Your thoughts?