
Warning: This May Sound Crazy

Would Portland have been better off getting the 2nd pick in the 2007 NBA Draft?

There's a chance you have already stopped reading this, but here I go. This is aquestion, not a statement. In now way am I angry we got the first pick. It was one of the most exciting Blazer moments of my life. I'm alsonottaking into account anything that has happened since that draft.

But would it have been better if that second-to-last envelope was Portland, rather than the last envelope? Think about. We'd have the easiest pick in the draft, be immune to any criticism, and still pick up Kevin Durant. Durant (or possibly Oden) wouldn't have to deal with all the pressure of being a number one pick. We wouldn't have to hear from all those knuckleheads online about how terrible Oden is and how amazing Durant is or vice-versa (if Seattle picked Durant #1) because we just would have picked the player Seattle didn't pick. Who knows, maybe Pritchard was pressured into picking Oden, based on the fact he was the consensus #1, and really liked Durant. Portland wouldn't have to deal with all this crap about picking the wrong guy. The whole team might be more relaxed not dealing with the circus of having the #1 overall pick.

I'm not saying I would have rather had the #2 pick, but just think about it. Please, leave your comments below, I wanna hear what you think.

PS: don't blast me, this is just some food for thought