

布兰登-罗伊成为我生命中的一部分已经有两年半了,他已经轻松成为我历史上第二喜欢的球员。请记住,我是28岁,所以我不记得德雷克斯勒前球员为Kiki Vande....我记不起怎么拼写了。在德雷克斯勒成为一名出色的球员之前,他是一名出色的球员。我确实爱过我一些Arvydas Sabonis,他不是我的Vydas,也不是你的Vydas,他是Arvydas Sabonis!!上帝啊,如果我们当初选他的时候就得到了他,我们会造成多大的破坏,而不是9年后,但我仍然很高兴能看到他打球。布莱恩-格兰特一直是我最喜欢的球员之一,他在季后赛中对卡尔-马龙,蒂姆-邓肯等人的防守最终毫无进展。我喜欢为他们加油,史蒂夫·史密斯,萨博尼斯,格兰特,说实话我一直认为拉希德是个混蛋,当他离开并得到一屁股的T的时候,这让我很生气。还记得他这些年的技术犯规吗?所以跛。我们有潜力,我爱那些球队,我们仍然有很多优秀的球员,所以我们不去想那些愚蠢的球员。 The Drexler teams were and still are my all time favorite Porter, Kersey,Buck,Duck,Mark Bryant,Danny Ainge, Robert Pack, Rod Strickland, Cliff Robinson ( i read several articles about him being a huge jerk later on), even the later players, Aaron Mckie, James Robinson,Otis Thorpe (the man Drexler was traded for) Chris Dudley, (i did love me some duds) Those guys were all good players to root for. None however stand up to Clyde Freaking Drexler. Let me say when i was young(7-11) i had a life size card board cut out of Clyde, he wasnt in his Blazer uni but i loved it. I remember standing and marking my height to see how i stood up to Clyde the Glyde on the cut out itself, i made sure not to damage it noticabley but it worked for me. Clyde was my hero growing up, Brandon Roy.........Well B-Roy is easily my second favorite player behind Clyde. This is a very close race at this point in my life. I still have the Sports Illistrated Mag with Clyde and Jordan headlined "on a collision course" i will keep it probly till i die. Should Roy get on a S.I. cover with Lebron/Kobe (who ever you call #1 player in the NBA) that pretty much confirms Roy is 1a to them i dont know...........

这就是让它变得如此艰难的原因,我和克莱德一起成长了4-6年。乔丹成为了西尔德永远无法成为的人。他是NBA有史以来最好的球员。如果是在60年代或70年代,他会毁了别人。他曾经是nba前50强球员,他唯一的失败是在迈克尔·乔丹的阴影下打球。我担心罗伊的职业生涯会成为勒布朗(我的头号NBA球员)的影子。他可能会,但我不在乎,我会整天用罗伊来取代勒布朗。荷马的说法,任何理性的人都会不同意,但我喜欢B-Roy。2年半的NBA生涯:1次最佳新秀,2次全明星出场,无数的亮点.......更重要的是,无数的比赛都是受他的影响而取得胜利的。这是衡量一个玩家能赢多少场比赛的最大标准? Jordan was a master at that, Kobe is VERY good at that, Lebron is becoming stellar, Roy? has allways been steady and dependable. Outside of Lebron or Kobe i would say no one is better at this point in thier development. In 10 years when Roy is a 12 1/2 year Vet i think this topic should be re-visited but for now....Thank God for Brandon Roy, he won us another one tonight!!!