
I need a break

To My dearest Portland TrailBlazers,

It's the middle of winter and its freezing outside. Every night , after I put my son to sleep, i cuddle down in front of the television and watch you. I love the game and love you. I have never strayed but obviously I enjoy basketball and it's healthy for me to enjoy some other games. Division and conference rivals are often good games and I feel good about not having to care about who wins too much. I just relax, and enjoy myself. Unfortunately, the relaxing and , well, fun aspect to watching you has vanished.

上周我意识到那t I cannot relax when watching you play basketball. In fact, I would almost say its not fun. I get stressed out, angry and resentful. Im sure more of the those smart books say I would probably have some underlying abandonment issues or something. It is , however, safe to state that my cynisism towards you has reached an all time high. I cant figure out exactly why this is. All I know is, I have found myself increasingly angry when Oden sets a lazy pick or Travis floats around on defense, not really in a zoneor guarding anyone in particular. I then feel my face blanch then turn bright red in anger when Travis' man hits a wide open three.

I love going to the Rose Garden. We have had so many memorable there. So many special moments. I think it's the best in the NBA. All the fans are great (mostly) and the atmosphere is indescribeable . I never feel the anger and frustration there as I do when at home on my bean bag in front of the tube. I am angrier still that I cant attend each and every home game. Perhaps this is a partial cause of my anger. I dont have the funds to buy season tickets and Nic and I have not married, so I cant get free seats that way either-terrible!

All in all, after some deep thought, a losing week and an almost stupidest-loss-ever, I have decided that I need a break. I still love you Blazers, I love you with all my heart, but you are so predicteable and stubborn and always making the same mistakes. As my love is unconditional I would never abandon you, but I need some me time away from you, to get my mind right. This just isn't fun anymore. When I have a little break from you, I'll remember why we are together and come running back, but lets just say that we both need a break.

Love always,

