
trades and chemistry

I've noticed a lot of people are saying 'no' to a trade before the deadline. Most people are saying the reason for their 'no' is because a trade would mess with the teams chemistry. My question is, how would a new player change the chemistry any more than injuries change the chemistry? When Oden missed time after opening night, the team was used to playing with joel, then Oden came back, and they had to get used to playing with him again. Then Roy went down and the team had to get used to playing more with Bayless. Then Roy returned and the team had to get used to playing with him again. Now Blake is down and the team has had to adjust to more of Sergio and Bayless. When Blake comes back and Martell comes back, the team will have to again, adjust and regain that chemistry. Now this is a lot of adjusting and rebuilding. And a lot of these guys (oden, sergio, bayless) are young inexperienced guys, which makes it even harder for the rest of the team to feel comfortable with them. Making a trade and getting used to playing with someone new wouldn't be that big of a deal.

The trade would definitely be for an experienced player, likely a veteran. Someone who could contribute towards securing a playoff spot. I don't think bringing in someone like this would throw off the chemistry any more than the numerous injuries have.
What do you think?