
Time to cash in our Golden Ticket

As the 19th of march is approaching, we as blazers fans are wondering and hoping to hear somethin from KP on exactly what is happening behind closed doors. As I sit and wait scowering the internet, as well as watching sports center nonstop.Which by the way my wife is sick of hearing the constant SC chime.But I can't help it I want a trade I want the blazers to be better than they are. Yes I know many people are sying no to a trade, but unlike them I believe we have a golden opportunity to get a whole lot for a little. RLEC is our golden ticket to willy wonkas house of hoops. With the economy the way it is there is a lot of cash strapped teams out there looking for a way to save a dime. With that in mind I do agree we dont grab the first bad offer on the table. That is why we have KP, I trust he will do anything to make this a better team. And as far as thos people who still dont want a trade because we are sitting at 31-19 think about the fact that we shouldnt be waiting on some players to grow and develop outside of jerryd bayless we know what we have. We have a travis outlaw that is amazing at times but in general hes not that great of a players. Think not? watch a game and i can predict what outlaw will do 95 percent of the time (catch dribble,dribble, shoot) Thats good and all when there falling but we need something more. All in all im a die hard blazer fan that is impatient why not get better as fast as you can?