
If a Blazer was a song...

I got this idea from the "If a Blazer were a Beer" post. Since I know nothing about beer but quite a bit about music I thought I would make a post comparing each Trail Blazer to a song. Feel free to make suggestions if you know a song that fits a player better. Also I didn't do players that are not currently in the rotation. I didn't do Bayless or Sergio as to not start any disagreements about who is in the rotation and who is not. If you have a song for the players who are out of rotation, suggest them to me and I'll add them to the list.

BTW, some of the songs I chose do have curse words in them. I did not use any sections that had cussing in the portions of lyrics I pasted here. But if you don't want to hear any cussing, don't click on the link.

Greg Oden: "Day 'n' Nite" By Kid Cudi. This song is mellow while also being powerful. And you just can't seem to get it out of your head. I imagine that some players have a hard time getting Greg out of their heads, after he's dunked all over it. Also, the lyrics correspond with how I think Greg must feel at certain times.

Here's the opening lines of the song:

Day n nite. I toss and turn, I keep stressin’ my mind, mind.
I look for peace, but see I don’t attain.
What I need for keeps this silly game we play, play.
Now look at this.
Madness the magnet keeps attracting me, me.
I try to run, but see I’m not that fast.
I think I’m first but surely finish last, last.

Link to the music video

Joel Pryzbilla: "Substitue" By The Who. Joel is the ultimate substitue and this song perfectly resembles him. Its a bit grungy but still happy. I think the lyrics paint a better picture here:

I was born with a plastic spoon in my mouth
The north side of my town faced east, and the east was facing south
And now you dare to look me in the eye
Those crocodile tears are what you cry
It's a genuine problem, you won't try
To work it out at all you just pass it by, pass it by

Link to the music video

Nic Batum: "Solaar Pleure" By MC Solaar. Okay, so I know your thinking I just chose this song because its by a french artist. Well, you are kind of right. French lyrics aside, this song represents Nic well. It is raw and powerful. The song sometimes sounds as if it needs a bit of finishing but you still enjoy listening to it.

Je suis au paradis, je sillonne les plaines
A la recherche de resquilleurs dans le jardin d'Eden
J'ai contrôlé les anges, pas de haine mais pas d'ennemis
否则我勒canif et j 'inaugure le meurtre盟paradis.
J'ai joué au maigrelet chaque fois que l'on m'a provoqué

I just put the lyrics in there so you could enjoy some french. The lyrics don't really have anything to do with the Nic. Its more the feel of the song I like. Plus, imagine a highlight reel to this. SICK.

Link to the music video

Travis Outlaw: "Ain't that Peculiar" By Marvin Gaye. The song is laid back at times but still manages to catch your attention, kind of like Travis in an interview. Concerning the title of the song: Travis is peculiar in that some nights you say to yourself, wow now THATS an all-star. But the next night your yelling for a trade. Peculiar. On to to a snippet of the lyrics.

Honey you do me wrong but still i'm crazy about you
Stay away too long and i can't do without you
Every chance you get you seem to hurt me more and more
But each hurt makes my love stronger than before
I know flowers go through rain
But how can love go through pain

Link to the music video

Brandon Roy: "Superstar" by Lupe Fiasco. Finding a song for Brandon was the most difficult. I wanted something that showed his talent and finesse while not being too cocky. I was originally going to choose a Kanye West track but eventually decided that Kanye was talking too much about himself for it to have any relevance to Brandon. "Superstar" begins with the sound of people clapping and cheering. I don't think I really need to explain that one, I'm sure you've all clapped and cheered for Broy and some point and time. Lupe's style of rapping in this song is interesting because he changes pace not only during the course of the song but during the course of a line. Remind you of a certain player's crossover? Here's some of the lyrics.

And the light bulbs around my mirror don't flicker
Everybody gets a nice autograph picture
One for you and one for your sister
Who had to work tonight but is an avid listener
Every songs a favorite song and mics don't feedback
All the reviewers say "You need to go and see that"
And everybody claps 'cause everybody is pleased
And then they all take the stage and start performin' for me

Link to the music video

LaMarcus Aldridge: "No Diggity" By Blackstreet and Dr. Dre. Not only is "No Diggity' fun to say, its also a down right smooth track. LaMarcus has a smooth jumper that is reflected in the beat which gets you bopping your head. Listen to the song and try and resist the urge, it is impossible. Dr. Dre brings rawness to the track, like a LaMarcus O-board and dunk. Some lyrics for you. Replace all the "she's" with "he's" if you want it to make sense.

East side to the west side
Pushing phat rides, it's no surprise
She got tricks in the stash
Stacking up the cash
Fast when it comes to the gas
By no means average
As long as she's got to have it
Baby, you're a perfect ten, I wanna get in
Can I get down, so I can win

Link to the music video

Steve Blake: "Carry That Weight" by The Beatles. Steve has to carry the weight of being the only true point guard on the team. He also carries the weight of knowing he is going to be playing a large amount of minutes. The song is has few accelerandos and keeps a steady beat. This reminds me of Steve's game play, he isn't flashy but holds the team together and plays a clean game. Here are some lyrics for you.

Boy, you gonna carry that weight
Carry that weight a long time
Boy, you gonna carry that weight
Carry that weight a long time

Link to the song甲壳虫乐队(抱歉没有音乐录影带this one.)

Rudy Fernandez: "Creator" by Santogold. I love this song because its exciting and contsantly changing. Rudy is the same way. he never ceases to amaze us with a between-the-legs pass or a well-timed three. Here's a snippet of the lyrics.

Me, I'm a Creator
Thrill is to make it up
The rules I break got me a place
Up on the radar
Me, I'm a Taker
Know what the stakes are
Can't roll it back, it's understood
Got to play our cards

Link to the music video

Okay, well thats it. Don't forget to make some of your own suggestions, especially if you know a song that fits our current pine riders. Hope you all enjoy this!