
Prove IT! Black and Red Loyalty .

I have officially had enough for this season...

If you are a blogger on this site, then you are obviously a Blazers fan. We are past the trade deadline, we are in the playoff hunt legitimately since the bad-boy-blazers were in charge here and it is an exciting time for this franchise in Portland that has inited "Rise with Us." and "Stay together for the next exciting chapter". Our team in Portland is hearlded nationwide as one of the most UNIFIED lockers in the association, let alone all sports, so why does our fanbase and media supporters need to be so UN-Unified as we close in on the next reasonale step of progression for this team: their first Playoff Series?

How about, Are the Blazers going to win 50 games? Are the Blazers going to get Home Court Advantage? Are the Blazers going to win their Division? Which teams are streaking and which are stumbling into the playoff push? What players you like in the upcoming NBA draft where Portland has multiple picks again? Or the fact that Portland is leading the NBA in FANS attending home games? How much love B-Roy is finally starting to get nationwide....etc.... There are a lot better topics out there than what I have seen a lot of lately AND SOMEBODY on here needed to stand up and say ENOUGH!

如果你喜欢了Blaz踪迹ers, and wear the Black and Red on gamedaysyou are not allowed to talk about these things until the season is over (failure to comply will result in being banned from BE until the off-seaosn*):

1.) Trading anyone on the team.Trade deadline is gone and this is our team for now. Playoffs are around the corner and we have no idea who is going to step up and take their games to the next level on that next level of play. Don't you think that showing mad game in the playoffs will do a lot to keep them with the team for the future? Plus, this time off will actually give most of us some good time to come up with realistic moves and figure out how they will work.

2.) Greg Oden being a bust or anything of the sort:Just how much better of a team are we with a healthy Greg Oden? We don't know yet, so why don't we all encourage this kid to be healthy and ready for playoffs, rather than sweating him about missing games when HE, the coach, and the trainers clearly don't want him to go. Give this 21 year old the space, time and support ANYONE needs to get back and do what he does, which is play hoops. We all want him to PROVE that he is what we want him to be, and Oden can't prove anything until he is back, so let's support him getting back.

That is it, 2 things that have been WAY too consuming to WAY too many on this site. Gather yourself and check your perspective... it is playoff push time and NOW is when you and I both can help this team"Rise Up."

* unofficial