

华府公牛队输了十场赛 公牛队输得十场赛 公牛队输得特雷队败得特雷队败得20分波特兰第二晚背靠背对阵队时世界末日并非世界末日,因为我们没有启动小福德中心时正在休息。 波特兰离丹佛只有11/2场游戏,剩下21场

Looking at the FanPosts are killing my.  All the hating on Outlaw (yes, we all know he sucks defensivly, we all knew it before the Denver game, so what is the point of pointing that out.  It is like saying Kobe is a good scorer, that Lebron is a good all around player, that Brandon Roy is (use your own adjective here)) or on rudy or on nate is getting anoying.  Noboday is perfect, yet with all of these faults, we are in close to the top of the division.  Forget this last game and focus on the next one because sometimes, teams don't play perfectly, after all, didn't the Celtics loose to the Clippers last week?  Does that mean that that team is garbage?号表示球迷全pinky号刚意识到你无法赢得全部