


今天我在约定的时间去选座位了。因为这是最后一天(我没有资历),所以我并没有期待什么精彩的事情。我只是想看看我能不能搬到更靠近中央球场的地方,即使这意味着我要走得更远,或者可能升级。我去了我现在的区域,什么都没有,所以我开始绕着竞技场走。我看过的每一个座位(他们在可用的座位上都有字母大小的标签)都是满季的。(我有一半)。最后,当我离我开始的地方只有几个部分的时候,我找到了一个代表,他说:“哦,我们已经去掉了所有的半季标签。我们本应该结束半季的。你来对时间了吗?”是的,我给他看了我的预约。 So he told me to go back down to check-out and they "might be able to pull up something on their computer."

我已经300多岁了,所以开始寻找一条下坡路。来到一个自动扶梯。它在“向上”。找到一段楼梯,走到主楼层,门是锁着的。回到300级。下一个自动扶梯是“向上”的。我非常谨慎,不敢尝试另一段楼梯,因为我呼吸非常困难,如果门被锁上,我又要爬回300层,我不想心脏病发作。他们要多久才能找到我??最后,在竞技场转了半圈之后,我发现了一个向下的自动扶梯,但它是另一个半圈的主层带我去检查。这时,我大汗淋漓,呼吸困难,觉得自己不是心脏病发作就是中风了。 (OK, I'm out of shape, but I can walk a mile or so without gasping for breath). No, they couldn't find anything on their computer and the woman commented "I didn't think they were scheduling half seasons now." Someone was going to be bringing by a list of half-season seats if I wanted to wait. So I stood around (still dripping, but breathing easier) for 10 or 15 minutes. The list appeared. First woman handed me off to a second who started going over the list and comparing it to a seating chart. Her phone rang, she handed me off to a third. For the third time I had to explain where I was sitting now and what I was looking for. She found me some seats that I thought might work, but the 2nd woman had reappeared and pointed out that those were only full season seats. There were some decent upgraded seats, but they were twice as much as I'm paying now and even though I hope to get reimbursed more often for the 2nd seat I just couldn't do it.

