
June 11th, 2009 AD, Junk Drawer: Super Crazy Sports Superstition/Ritual Edition

Ah, sports. We all love em (and even if you claim you don't, you do). And, when "rooting" for our teams in these sports, we all have our rituals to guarantee victory for our team. For instance, some people wear the same outfit every time their team plays (until they lose). Back in the Blazers' season, I wore my B Roy shoes on every gameday, until the Blazers lost. Then I switched and wore my B Roy Jersey every gameday until they lost. My eating habits also changed depending on if they won or lost.

There was this really weird kid in high school who played football and didn't wash his jock for the whole year until we lost (thank god we sucked at football), needless to say, it was the worst thing ever. But we had other rituals on games or during games: in baseball, you NEVER EVER EVER EVER hit the baseline when you are running out onto the field.

Superstitions are insane even in professional sports. Baseball pitchers and hockey goalies are left alone and given the "silent treatment" if they are pitching/goaltending a gem. The Cubs have been haunted by the "Curse of the Billy Goat" for 64 years now. The fans got so desperate, they have hung goat carcasses off of the Harry Caray Statue.


Cubs5_medium the way, check out Cracked if you don't mind NSFW language, it's an awesome site)

These are just a few examples among many: Bill Simmons walks his dog after every loss, Roy and Blake and others grew "playoff beards" Tiger always wears red on Sunday, etc.

Soooooooo BEdgers, what are your crazy sports superstitions? Do you do anything in particular before Blazers' games to ensure victory?