


杰夫·克拉克收集了一些相当糟糕的语录。在评论中还有更多。在自信和自大之间有一条很细微的分界线,他的队友和教练似乎不再(再)直接讨厌他了,而且按照凯利·德怀尔的说法,交易是不可能的。但很明显,凯尔特人对他也不是很满意。“两个赛季前,在那些旗帜和喝彩和掌声之前,当隆多领导着一支只赢了24场比赛的球队时,他会投出一颗看都不看的子弹,当它被扔出界外时,他会愤怒地翻白眼。如果他为空位跳投安排了一名射手,而这名射手在篮筐外发出了响亮的声音,他就会受到隆多的凝视,眼神中充满了轻蔑和愤怒。里弗斯把他所谓的院内领袖拉进办公室,问他:“你知道你的队友讨厌和你玩吗?”“对他来说最重要的事情,”安吉说,“就是让他夜以继日地比赛。”“他很固执,”安吉说。“他并不总是能很好地接受指导。他非常聪明,知道自己需要做什么才能成功。 "But sometimes he doesn’t understand what the team needs to be successful." "I’m set in my ways," says Rondo, who believes his accuracy will improve with practice. "I don’t feel like I have to settle for a jump shot, because I can get to the basket at will." On following instruction from Doc Rivers: "I’ve learned to handle it a little bit better," he says. "Even though I think I’m right." Between this and his "dirty plays" e.g. in the series against Chicago fouling Miller and Hinrich, you have to wonder if his stock is as high as it once was - and if that attitude disqualifies him in the eyes of the Blazers front office if there ever was a chance for a trade.