
Junk Drawer 06/24/09- Dreaming Edition

Last night I had this dream that I was playing video poker and won $120,000 (playing nickels I might add). It was awesome. I was going to be able to pay off my debts, put down a ton of money on a home and buy a new car. Then of course, I woke up and realized that I am still in debt and not anywhere close to being able to buy a house or new car…it was quite the disappointment.

所以我问你Bedgers,是最现实的dream that you have ever had? Were you disappointed to wake up and realize that it was all a fake? Or did you wake up relieved for the life you do have? Or maybe just enlighten us with the weirdest dream you have ever had so we can attempt to analyze it (I have some crazy weird dreams).

Happy Wednesday ya’ll