

男人!作为一个开拓者球迷,我被宠坏了。我是最好的职业体育爱好者之一。我们知识渊博,关心和支持。我不能理解的是纽约的球迷,以及他们在每年选秀期间的表现。它非常惊人。他们会尖叫,尖叫,嘘嘘。我一直在问,为什么它总是在纽约举行,特别是当球迷表现得像他们那样。其尴尬。所以我想问开拓者的球迷,他们是应该每年把选秀权从一个城市转移到另一个城市,还是留在纽约? I just know if the draft came to Portland, our fans would be way more professional and wouldnt act like NY fans do. ANyways, your comments on the NY fans unruly behavior down below would be appreciated. I will post a poll to see who thinks the Draft should stay or go in NY.