


然而,他提出了两件事,我认为在座的各位会感兴趣,所以我想和大家分享一下。我不确定这是否被官方报道过(我知道有很多猜测…),但据米勒所说,开拓者在选秀之夜的目标是泰勒H.我知道这是一种传统的看法,可能并不意外,但我一直怀疑他们是想换一个人,因为KP在这种情况下通常是背道而驰的。拉里说得很实事求是,好像这已经是常识了,所以也许这在其他地方已经报道过了,但我没有听说过,所以我想我会“打破”这个故事。他讨论的第二件事,我发现更有趣的是,他回答了一个问题,有人问他开拓者在选秀时要找什么样的人。他谈到了我们是如何转变的,以确保我们引进的球员既能适应我们的文化,又能成为好球员。他以扎克为例来说明开拓者现在对球员的不同评价。他说他们有一个心理学家(现在大多数团队可能都有…我不知道)去面试潜在的玩家,以确保他们“适合”。让我感兴趣的是,他说有一个球员在选秀时就开始走下坡路,而他们在22岁时就被选中了。 They said that this player was flagged by their psychologist as a poor cultural fit and that according to their "profile" of this player they should pass. He said there was some discussion as this player started to fall towards them, but in the end he said it was an easy decision to stick to their formula and pass on this player. He never mentioned the player by name, but of course the first person that came to my mind was Blair. I never heard anything bad about Blair; in fact, everything I heard going into the draft was that he was a hard-working personable guy and again I have no idea if Blair was even the guy Larry was referring to, but I couldn't really pinpoint anyone else that fell significantly.