


链接是西班牙语,这里有一个简短的翻译:Jordi Villacampa (Joventut总经理)表达了他对卢比奥打算起诉Joventut合同的不满。维拉坎帕说:“约文图特是一家以提拔青少年球员为基础的俱乐部,如果我们不用这种合同保护孩子们,我们就无法存在。我们必须为俱乐部的利益而战,并保持我们的理念。”“卢比奥签署合同时深信,这不是我们拿枪指着他的头。我们让他选择在ACB打球,作为一名球员成长,参加奥运会,他和乔文图特一起做了这一切。本赛季他的薪水翻了三倍,从7万欧元涨到了20万欧元。他当然有权起诉我们,但从道德上讲,这是不对的。从道德上讲,他只关心个人利益是不对的。也许我今年会离开,也许不会,也许我会去孟菲斯或纽约,等等……他没有考虑已经签署的内容,如果他不喜欢,他就会起诉。” Comparing to the Rudy situation, he says: "We would be in favor of negotiating his buyout next year (2010), but the lawsuit changes things. Rudy choosed correctly, he was one more year with us and then left for the NBA. Ricky was offered the same contract and the same exit as Rudy and said no. We offered to lower his buyout to 3M€ and he said no. Negotiating means giving something in exchange, and if Ricky leaves, he's not giving anything."