
The Big Banger Theory

It seems all the rage to lust for a Banger PF. But to what benefit . . . and at what cost?

There are 240 player minutes per game. If the Big Bad Banger played only backup minutes to Aldridge, he’d get 10-12 minutes per game. That’s less than 5% of total player minutes. Is that a game changer? Or a season changer?

If we got The Big Bad Banger, doesn’t that mean Outlaw has to go? He’s getting a good portion of his minutes at PF. If all of Outlaw’s minutes go to SF, that means the 48 SF minutes are divided between Trout, Nic, Webster, and Roy (when Rudy’s at SG). Gettin’ kinda crowded. What’s the trade-off between the Banger’s Bangin’ and Trout’s ability to get his own shot?


Would Nate play The Banger? He likes to go small and use players with firepower in the second unit. Is there such a thing as an available/affordable Banger with firepower?

Is The Banger an insurance policy? If Aldridge goes down, The Banger can’t match the offensive production. If Joel or Greg goes down . . . well . . . hmmm . . . maybe this is starting to make some sense.

Auxiliary question:

Is butterscotch the root of all evil? Discuss.