

我并不是在暗示什么排外的东西,但我今天想到了……我们在引进外国球员方面有着糟糕的记录,事实上,我想不出有哪个外国球员没有遭遇过类似的灾难。德拉赞·彼得罗维奇死于车祸。雷蒙·拉莫斯,车祸中瘫痪。雷蒙·马丁,死于车祸。阿维达斯·萨博尼斯-直到他快要翻过山头才加入球队。训练中被拉希德·华莱士攻击。他的模范妻子有各种滥用药物的问题。他沮丧而羞愧地离开了球队。现在鲁迪被激怒了?? Seriously is Sergio bound to die or be paralyzed? maybe I am just remembering badly, I hope so I do not want to be the harbinger of doom. Btw does anyone know where Turk is from? Please remind me of any substantial foreign player whose life has not taken an horrific turn after or during their stint with the blazers.