


更新:我花时间打了一份文字记录。相关部分从8分钟开始。电台主持人:“所以这就是它的来源?从保罗·艾伦?”快速:“绝对。我想是的。我不认为有任何问题。是的。我想说是的。”主持人:“好吧,这就引出了一个问题,如果你是凯文·普里查德,他这样干涉别人的事情,显然这让普里查德看起来很糟糕,那么凯文·普里查德在什么时候和保罗·艾伦发生了矛盾,然后你手上就有了一堆烂摊子?” Quick: "Well, I think we’re already to that point." Host: "You think Prtichard is bothered by all this?" Quick: "He’s frustrated. Yes." It’s worth a listen. ---- Interview with 1080 the fan this afternoon. Quick says the problem comes from Paul Allen. He says Pritchard is frustrated. The point of interest is that Quick says Paul Allen's health has been poor and kept him away from the team some. This could make some sense. If Paul Allen is under the weather, he might be handing off more decision-making to the Vulcans. This would explain a lot of the actions--particularly as it pertains to the Roy contract negotiations.