
Rudy talks about rumors.


根据马卡鲁迪和Efe收音机:1º。-There´re always rumors and he knows about them from the press. 2º.- He hasn´t talked to his agents about him leaving the Blazers. He has only comented with them about the possibility of Turkoglu going to Portland. 3º.- He doesn´t close doors to any team from Europe or the NBA. 4º.- Asked about whether Torkoglu going to Portland might affect his playing time, he said: I want to play. We´ll have to talk with Portland and ask them how can I do it. More about the same interview" Turkoglu is a perimeter player and we are speaking about almost six for two positions. This makes me think that the team does not give me space for my work. I have demonstrated that I could be more of a factor." "I have been surprised with the minutes that I have played but if now they pick up a player in my position, that will stop my progression, and what I want is minutes so I can improve."