
The NBA has it figured out

For all you baseball fans you probably saw the the phillies traded for cliff lee, a tremendous pitcher for the indians and last seasons cy young winner. The minute I saw this the first thing that came to mind was, "this would never happen in the NBA" and when you think about it, the NBA clearly has the best salary cap and system for trading and signing players, they make it easy enough to build a good team, but require good drafting and smart contracts, but still contracts that keep a player on a team for a few years (hello NFL) but contracts that don't get too ridiculous (hello any steriod user in 2002).

Hence why I love the NBA, I hate how the yankees can keep the competition level down by taking players like cc sabathia from smaller bad teams. In the NBA cc sabathia, or in other words, al jefferson, would stay on that team for a while, maybe getting them to the playoffs. In baseball teams can spend and spend, and coose to never spend and not loose any money. the cheap teams still profit because people go to baseball games, they just do. I also hate how baseball drafting is above most people's heads and still pretty random, the NBA draft is as entertaining as a NLCS.

For football, I don't like the instability, one season your team dominates, the next their in the gutter, your players get old fast and the teams trade or release them even faster.Brandon Roywould be our running back, he'd be good for 5 years, have 2 more deccent seasons and then be burnt out. And the NFL draft, while prett fun, makes bad teams pay huge money to get the top picks, while the NBA makes sure guys to don't get payed what they don't deserve, imagine Darko netting a 66 mil contract as a rookie.

Anyway, just wanted to vent on the various flaws of baseball which is boring, money driven, and lame, and football which changes too quickley, treates their players like trash, and gives alex smith enough money to bailout General Motors. NBA all the way