
Pritchslap Kobe - Steal Artest

Artest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He will leave theLakers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Folks, Artest has just agreed in principle to a 3 year, 18 million dollar deal with the Lakers, BUT WE ALL KNOW HOW THAT CAN WORK OUT...

They've also alienated Trevor Ariza, who was "insulted" by their offer, and has agreed in principle to a contract with theRockets, for I believe 33 million...

我们为什么不飞扑,提供3000万年阿泰斯特,ND STEAL HIM FROM THE LAKERS!!!

1st: What's the worse that can happen? a.) Lakers are down an awesome SF this year, with no discernable, solid replacement they can get in FA still, they are weakened all of next year b.) Artest goes absolutely crazy for us, we waste 30 million (we were gonna waste 1/2 of that on the last years of Hedo's contract anyway), and get to watch Batum go into BEAST MODE early!! Then we just give him the Jamal Tinsley treatment and pay Artest to stay away!!

2nd: You know Artest will back out for 12 million more, his agent will be an advocate for that bc it'll mean more money in his pocket, Artest will still be able to win a ring, and MONEY TALKS, OFFER THIS TOMORROW, AND BY WEDNESDAY RON RON WILL BE TELLING THE LAKERS TO PONY UP, OR HE'S OUT!!!

3rd: UPSIDE IS HUGE!!!! SF, and especially team defense were weak points last year, Artest solves them in spades, and we're improving 2 out of the 3 weakest areas (other being PG) on a 54 win team...UPSIDE IS A TITLE THIS YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!

4th: I don't want to here one "Artest is too old, he's lost a step, when I just heard every Hedo supporter in the world tell me Hedo's at a great age...." Seriously folks, get away from your irrational fear of "crazy potheads," you've been burned lately, but nearly every great team has them, Babe Ruth wasn't exactly a choir boy, Michael Irvin once cut a teamates throat and nearly killed him with a pair of scissors, and Dennis Rodman is certifiable...LET'S DO THIS!! TALK ABOUT A PLAN B!!!! And it'll even be more fun watching the ROSE GARDEN GO CRAZY WHILE ARTEST GOES PITBULL ON HEDO NEXT YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!

You know you'll love that last part! Upside is much greater than the downside, period.