
Surprisingly mixed feelings

Its funny, i have never been sold on Turkeyglue but i have mixed feelings about our situation. It seems like since the opening jump of the current FA period we went HARD after Hedo. My thought(limited as it is) was that at 30yo around 10mil per season, a 5 yr contract was "no bueno." 34+ year old players with 10+ million dollar contracts are allmost always cap killers.

But hey, i have said it before and ill say it again......"In K.P. i trust." So i check this site and that site, looking for stats tendancies and overall PER type stuff. What do i find? Allthough he has a relatively low(compared to elite players) PER his overall skill set is somewhat unique. So i start to buy into it......a 6' 10" SF/PF who can shoot, pass, and create for others and himself. I start to think "hey, we may be over paying but his skill set plus our need for a true vet, ok not a bad idea."

We "come to a verbal agreement" with him and im like "ok lets roll with this, we will trade a few role players for Hinrich,etc." My thought was

PG: Hinrich(or name your dream PG)- Bayless

SG: Roy - Rudy

SF: Hedo - Batum

PF: LMA - Hedo/ signed FA

C: Oden - Pryz

Anyone not mentioned is fodder for trades. I was truely starting to buy into this idea. However...."She-do"(not my nickname for the record, but hilarious just the same)opted to go canadian. My hope now is this. Irish3 posted// made several VERY good points about whyMarvin Williamswould be a good fit. Humor me for a moment......Say we sign Williams for around 6 million/yr which is(i think) well above the MLE that he is being offered (correct me of i am wrong please) then get a back up PF at around 2-3 million/yr. Trade for a more than average starting PG and roll into camp still a very young/ deep and athletic team. Again i have some seriously mixed feelings, once i bought into Hedo mania it seems tough to not have some kind of "mania" going on.

让我们听到你的想法Bedgers……你是上e fence?....anti Turkeyglue?.....or totally stoked? I would include a poll but im lazy and dont want to. Personally i still cant make up my mind how i feel.