
Trade Drawer - Independence Day, Post Hedon't Edition

On this July 4th many of you are celebrating the Blazers' independence from Hedo and his bloated contract. As I was one of the earliest and most ardent supporters of Hedo becoming a Blazer, unfortunately I don't have the luxury of saying, "I never really wanted him here anyway." But regardless of where you stood on the Hedo/Hedon't debate over whether He fit with Portland, its time to get up, dust ourselves off and intrepidly look to the future.

Ever since it became clear that he Hedo is a money-grubbing, duplicitous, douche who can't stand up to his wife....aahheeemm....I mean ever since it became clear that Portland was not the best destination for Hedo and his family, (sorry, it still hurts) I've been trying to fill the void with some genuine hope that KP can come up with a move that makes us all say that this whole episode turned out for the best.

And my mind keeps coming back to something I read from arecent Wendell Maxey postabout the Nets being willing to consider offers for Devin Harris.

"Back toDevin Harrisreal quick: would you like to see him running the break withBrandon RoyandLaMarcus Aldridge? Many would. Because he could have been had on draft night. TheNew Jersey Netswere reportedly shopping him for expiring contracts and draft picks. Not sure if he is still on the market, but it’s worth凯文·普里查德inquiring about withRod Thorn." 7/2/09 Beyond the Beat

To me, a move of this magnitude would be just about the only thing that would erase the sting of Hedo leaving us at the alter. So I'm wondering what you think it would take to pull it off. Personally I'd be willing to part with Rudy, Outlaw, and Bayless if it meant getting a young All-Star point guard like Devin Harris. I'll admit that I don't know whether this could be achieved under the trade/salary cap rules. Maybe you can help me out with that. It doesn't work using the trade machine, but I doubt that means it couldn't be done somehow (ie: exceptions).

Anyway, this isn't just focused on Devin Harris. I'd love to hear all ideas for lopsided trades and other moves that KP could consider. As Dave pointed out, "This may be the biggest challenge of KP's career." So lets help our boy out. Thanks.