
Question. Is It Possible to Use Our Cap Space to...

Give another team cap relief, say by taking a soon to expire contract (soon meaning next two years) of a less desirable player with a too big contract, along with as many first round picks, cash, goodies etc that his team will give us to take him away and give them our cap room? We could sign and trade Frye or Ruffin if need be. I'm no expert on this that's why I posted in the form of a question.

The idea is to forget free agents, and get some high future draft picks. I don't have much interest in overpaying old players with our cap space, when we have a very good team now, but it would be a great asset to be able to reload with good draft picks as we lose some of our talent to free agency over the years, and we could end up back below the cap if we replace departing players with rookies. As long as we have vets like Roy and LA, we can roll with a few rookies as we did last year. Those picks will also have trade value for us if we want. They would be like savings bonds, holding our cap value for the future, when we actually need it. If it works out, we could be a lottery team with a winning record. That would be a real "pritchslap" to the NBA. I'd love to hear ideas of how this could work, if it's even technically possible.