
Let's try something...

I realize that chances of Blazers management taking advice from a fan blog site is essentially nill, but while we're all on here, what the heck?

The team won 54 games last year. Was running everyone out of the gym the last 15-20 games of the regular season. Drew a terrible match up in the first round of the playoffs and still came very close to surviving and advancing to the second round. Played 4 rookies significant minutes much of the season. Was never completely healthy at any point in the regular season or playoffs. Had the youngest playing rotation on the NBA.

If you think the Blazers should stop looking around for a semi-star caliber addition to this team (ala Hedo, D. Lee, A. Miller, Bibby, Odom, etc) and instead should put their effort towards acquiring a couple veterans, leave a comment or rec. I am curious to know where regulars to this page stand on this issue.

The team improved by 13 games last year with Webster out the entire season and withGreg Odensuffering through a major case of rookie growing pains combined with the lingering effects of a serious injury.

Given this group's track record of improvement and their extreme youth last year, how many games would you expect the exact same roster to win next year? 60? 65? More?