


不是因为米尔萨普打中锋,他不打中锋。但是阿尔德里奇可以。奥登在这个夏天和贝诺教练一起训练。所有报道都说他长得很像我们挑选的种马。如果波特兰智囊团真的相信这一点,他们一定会期待他进入聚光灯下,比如说每场比赛25-35分钟。在这样的时间水平上,5-6百万对乔尔来说似乎无关紧要,但对伤病的恐惧让他变得重要。但如果LMA是后备中心呢?中锋一场10-20分钟,大前锋一场20-25分钟,剩下的20-30分钟留给了一个顽强的篮板机器。突然间,每年800万到1000万是合理的。我们有一个出色的3人轮换阵容,新晋新秀彭德格拉夫和一个廉价的衰退老将作为替补。 We have Batum at the 3, with Webster and Rudy sharing backup minutes, Roy at the 2 with Rudy and Webster backing him up as well. As long as Webster is healthy, we have a nice 4 man rotation there. Then there is point guard. Blake is a great guy, and if our other rotation is good enough, maybe he fits as a role player. But maybe we can go a different direction. With Joel and Outlaw expendable, why couldn't we offer them along with either Blake or Bayless for Devin Harris? If we need to throw in trade exceptions and draft picks we can do so. New Jersey wants a clean slate for the 2010 sweepstakes, or possibly for a franchise sale. But they still have to play games, and they have a severe lack of big men. A package of promise (Bayless and Outlaw and a draft pick or two) and bigs (Joel) all reasonably priced could be enticing, especially if they have a desire to go cheap. If we made this upgrade, we'd either have a very high quality backup (Blake) or a young promising backup that could be our future PG if needed or a very attractive trade piece (Bayless). This reduces our rotation to 9, much easier to maneuver, and balances our roster (3 bigs, 4 wings, 2 PGs). I am not an Andre Miller fan, nor a Hinrich fan. It may be that Harris is the one piece the不会放弃,如果是这样的话,我们将就目前的控卫阵容。这就是我对米尔萨普和开拓者未来发展方向的看法。这对奥多姆、巴斯和李也适用,尽管米尔萨普是我最喜欢的目标。想法吗?