
The Logo. (Updated)

no, not Jerry West...the new Blazersedge (one word now?) graphic. look, I'm sure someone put a lot ofsome time and effort into this, and I really really don't mean to be rude or offend, but seriously...generic and boring. while I didn't LOVE the previous Lewis & Clark logo, I did like it, and it was at the very least unique. I'm looking up at it as I type this and it pleases me to know that it is still around in some capacity.

anyway. I have a petition of sorts to click below...leave your "signature" in the comments...if you love the new logo, or if you made it, feel free to shower me with hatred, not like you need the invitation. yes this should probably be a fanshot but...they don't have polls. delete me if you must.


UPDATE: Bottom line - I don't care that much honestly, but I do care a tinytinylittle bit, because I have to look at it, or at the very least acknowledge that it is exists, and it is absolutely laughable. I didn't freak out and punch the wall the first time I saw it, screaming for the return of L&C. I do not think I'm being unreasonable throwing this out there, maybe my need to further explain myself/dig a deeper hole proves otherwise, I don't know.

I love this site. The majority of my internet time is spent here. If I seem ungrateful for complaining, I'm just trying to make it better. I can say what I want, unless I can't, and then my post gets deleted. Whoopdedoo.

Anyway the original post took me like 2 minutes to write, this update maybe 5, I didn't put that much effort into it, I promise. I'm just trying to stir the pot and be a dissenting opinion for dissent's sake. That's just me. Please believe that if there was something of interest actually happening other than the upcoming summer league and roster speculation that this "issue" or lack thereof would be the furthest from my mind. I am admittedly anxious waiting for something to happen with our team, like the majority of you, but personally I'm a little tired of skimming through three-way trade ideas, insert-player-here endorsements and unfounded "rumors." Complaining about the awful, awful new logo was a way for me to pass the time. Guess I just wasted everyone elses.

"that is all"...pssh