
Sick & tired of hearing about Sam-freekin-Bowie?

"Portland drafted Sam Bowie instead of Michael Jordan, Ha Ha, what a bunch of dumb*****"

For all of you that blame the franchise for making that pick in 84', do your reaserch becuase I'd make the same pick at the time of of the draft again!

*Magic/Kareem, Bird/McHale, Kobe/Shaq, Wade/Shaq. The gaurd/Big man have proven that they bring home the gold when all said and done, right?

*The 83' draft we selected a player, one of the 50 greatest, by the name of Clyde Drexler. His playing position was at shooting gaurd. The same as M. Jordan's, right?

*The picking order in the next year was Houston @1, Portland @ 2 and Chicago @ 3. The two best projected big man prospects were Alajuwon and Bowie in the draft. We all know who Houston took and if they didnt we would have taken their pick. Anyways, that left us with are only option at the time, Sam Bowie. This is unless we thoughtKevin Williswould take us to the promise land(LMAO) right?

*Please tell me if you really predicted that Michael Jordan was about to become the greatest athlete of all time! Of course the organization would had drafted him had they known that and shipped Drex straight to Houston that same year instead of 12 years later.

*In closing, looking back now, it was a huge mistake. The people that haven't looked into why we drafted the next best center available and are quik to critisize Portland. Please tell them what I just explained. Tell them that Houston could have made the same mistake and we would have two if not more, banners with a Drexler/Alajuwon combo. We were just unfortunate to get the 2nd pick in the 1984 draft!

Oh and by the way, not to add more pressure on Mr. Oden but if he doesnt give us and the nation what everyone thought he would, then that 84' draft looks even worse to everyone around us!

SO GREG, GROW A PAIR AND STEP IT UP PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!