
Holy cow! Bedge is booming...

Shoulda been a FanShot...

I was playing around with SBN traffic meters a little today to see how Silver Screen and Roll is holding up during the summer (Laker season starts in October, unlike the case for the Blazers, which is now underway...). I write some stuff for them owing to my Dual Citizenship by Childhood status. My latest piece there isTHIS, transcribing the Kamentzky Brothers on the Lakers' coaching situation in view of the departure of Kurt Rambis — if anyone cares.

Nope, I didn't think so...

Here's your Blazers-oriented takeaway: Don't sweat the possibility of losing Nate to LA. Not on the radar...

Anyhow, I always look at the "visitors" number and compare that to the number for Blazers Edge as a benchmark. SS&R is a new site, so I figure if things are 1/4 or 1/5 of Bedge, that's pretty good. This summer has tailed off a lot over there since there's a lot less content happening, but that's neither here not there.

Anyway, what I discovered is that BE is blowing the lid off the popcorn popper. I'm not quite sure what the heck happened in July, maybe it was all the free agent hokey dokey with traffic driven by national interest.

Check this out...


August is shaping up with June-like numbers, which is still absolutely amazing compared to previous year figures.

So a big congratulations to Dave and Ben.

Keep up the good work, gents!