
Who Is The Most Overrated Laker?

It seems like the media and fan obsession with all things湖人队hypes marginal players into stars. Or turns guys who are superstars into messianic deities. Has there ever been an underrated Laker? Probably not. And now that they won the title last season, the hype train is in overdrive.

With that said, who on the current Laker roster is MOST overrated. Because all Lakers are overrated, you have to pick the one who is most overrated. My pick right now isLamar Odom. That dude has a long history of disappearing during crucial games. And now that he had like 3 good games in the playoffs last season, he is all of a sudden atop 10 power forward in the game?

So who is it? Comment below, vote in the poll, or both.