开拓者队的首席营销官Sarah Mensah今天在95.5回答了有关康卡斯特的问题。4点半开始播客.“如果没有粉丝们的选择,我们不打算进入下一季。”我们期待下一季康卡斯特的情况会有所不同,无论如何. ...我认为我们正在探索各种不同的可能性。还没有准备好谈论具体的细节,但我认为球迷们应该放心,明年我们不会再以同样的别无选择的情况进入新赛季。”那么,在康卡斯特的合同中,他们可以有哪些选择呢?康卡斯特每年付给他们1200万美元,并围绕开拓者建立了一个电视网,所以无论他们做什么,我都怀疑他们会危及这种关系。这听起来比那更重要。和卫星电视公司的付费收视协议?如果康卡斯特不能在一定年限内把CSNNW卖给卫星公司,他们可能会保留这样做的权利? I doubt they can put more games on KGW (because of the Comcast contract and because NBC wouldn't want its prime time preempted more), and I doubt they can sell duplicate broadcast rights to other established networks (because of the KGW and Comcast contracts). Would the Blazers be willing to subsidize a Comcast/DirecTV deal? Perhaps they could lift the NBA TV blackout restrictions in areas not covered by Comcast? Back to the Fox theater? No, they tore that down. :) What options do you see?