


好吧,我相信开拓者管理层现在考虑的不是如何打好常规赛,而是如何在季后赛中取得成功。当季后赛到来的时候,每个人都听说了替补阵容的缩小,这是有原因的。但是开拓者要想在季后赛中取得成功,他们需要8名关键球员在季后赛中成为球队的核心,否则就会出现球员被过度训练而疲惫不堪的情况。你看看那些成功的季后赛球队,他们有他们的核心球员,他们有替补,为什么是替补,因为他们就是替补。如果一名球员遇到犯规麻烦,或者受伤或者被驱逐出场,他们会提供补充,但他知道自己的角色,并且很高兴。开拓者接下来必须决定谁是他们的核心,在我看来鲁迪就是其中之一。仔细看你有奥登,阿尔德里奇,巴图姆,罗伊和米勒作为你的首发,这只是我的观点。替补上场的是普雷兹比拉,鲁迪,如果健康的话,韦伯斯特。对我来说,这些球员将是你组建季后赛球队的核心球员,大前锋(卡尔·兰德里)和年长的控卫(德里克·费舍尔)会在必要时介入。而不是试图组建一个10人的球队,基本上是两个5人的阵容,让这些核心球员在季后赛中获得大部分的上场时间。 The idea of having 10 guys during the regular season contributing is great, but those 2 of those guys are complimentary role players that don’t play as much during the playoffs. So Rudy would be the 3rd guard in the 3 guard rotation, and with Miller, he could play some point, around 7 minutes a game. Now for all those who think this is a stretch, he’s done it, he’s experienced and far more likely to succeed at this than the like of Bayless, who doesn’t even naturally look to set up teammates. So with that Rudy’s minutes would now be up towards 32 minutes a game with the 25 he already plays behind Roy. This isn’t some new strategy either, the Blazers of the 90’s used Porter, Drexler and Ainge and that worked out great. One difference is that Roy is comfortable playing the point and does primarily in the later stages of the 4th. With that, you need players like Rudy to play off of him, cut to the middle, can shoot the 3, and are great play makers. So much is made about how Rudy is overrated, well I think he was under used, with his abilities hide from most of us due to the system the Portland has been playing. This maybe differ to some or many, but from my experience playing and watching, having someone like Rudy that isn’t something to assume will come again, but rather make a system that blends the best of what the Blazers have, instead of forcing players to fit a system. Great coaches like Bill Belichek and Phil Jackson work with the players they have and manipulate the system to fit them. So going forward I believe if Rudy is used right and given the opportunity for more responsibility and playing time, he’ll blossom even more and make the Blazers a far better team cause of it. In this Rudy will become one of the best Euros to ever come to the states along with Manu, and he'll love it. Not only will he be playing in front of the best fans, but winning championships and getting paid. While I love Steve Blake, having him use up someones minutes like Rudy is sacrificing the success of the team and hopes of NBA championships. Your thoughts…