
08/05 JD - Mancave edition

I have been terribly busy so far this summer doing stuff in relation to purchasing a home. Now that I finally found a place, most of my time has been spent furniture shopping, and pouring over decorating books, sites, shows, and images. Thank God this is happening during the off season and not during the season causing me to miss any games.

Well I recently came across something I was really interested in a few years ago...MAN CAVES! Now that I have my own house, what better way to express my manhood and my love for the Blazers than with a Blazers themed man cave.

I envision my man cave to include a grey painted concrete flooring with paint specs and a Blazers logo that will later be epoxied. Then I can construct a shrine to house my memorabilia. Of course the place will have a mounted flat screen with CSN so that I can hook it up to my computer and make a Blazers video vault to have all the games archived.

Lastly, maybe a homemade custom poker table...also Blazer themed of course.

Anyone else love mancaves?