


它开始看起来像开拓者队的名册在下个赛季都很好地塑造了,一些团队官员表示,他们认为他们在比赛开始之前将不再是人类的举动。最初,我以为我会从1个位置开始这个系列,但是今天有关于Brandon Roy我发现自己在想他的合同。

Brandon Roy, starter
鲁迪·费尔南德斯(Rudy Fernandez),备份
Bayless, & Blake may play limited minutes at this position

All star Brandon Roy, recently rewarded with a five year contract worth over eighty million dollars, is the unquestioned leader of our team. If you look back at the impact Brandon has had on the Blazers one might go so far as to say that the day he was drafted was the end of the Jailblazer era. On and off the court he has been a model of what ownership and fans alike want from a player.

绘制一份与布兰登·罗伊(Brandon Roy)更好的联盟中有多少名后卫的列表。甚至还有比布兰登·罗伊(Brandon Roy)更好的球员的列表。您的列表可能与我的列表不一样,但是无论如何,它不会是长列表。对于波特兰开拓者来说,布兰登·罗伊(Brandon Roy)就是医生订购的。

What can we expect from BRoy this year? Brandon is not the kind of person or player whose performance will drop after they get their big payday. I think we can all assume that barring injury he will have another allstar season. With a deeper team, I'm hoping Nate will be able to reduce Brandons minutes just a little bit, and turn over some of the offensive responsibilty to安德烈·米勒(Andre Miller). I think last years playoff series with Houston showed not only how much the Blazers rely on Brandon, but that at times they rely on him a bit too much making them a bit too predictable. Miller will help with that, and I'm looking forward to seeing opponents not knowing from which direction the Blazers are going to attack them.

二年级后卫鲁迪·费尔南德斯(Rudy Fernandez)是一名可以为许多球队开始的球员。去年,他与同胞合作Sergio Rodriguez形成西装西装西班牙舰队。鲁迪斯杂技扣篮和三分射击有时很壮观。在许多方面,鲁迪(Rudy)是一位经验丰富的国际和奥运会的老将,这不是新秀。但是,我确实认为NBA的身体发挥使他习惯了一些。在某些方面,我认为他去年可能已经受到了不足。在进攻端,他只是三分射手的位置。在欧洲,鲁迪习惯于将球掌握在他的手中,比我们所展示的要多得多。事实证明,他是一个致命而愿意的传球手,在开拓者队拿起安德烈·米勒(Andre Miller)之前,他谈论在1号扮演他。对手的进攻并抢断了一些抢断。

不幸的是Jerryd Bayless他今年夏天没有长达六英寸。在拉斯维加斯夏季联赛期间,他没有给任何一个控球后卫的表现留下深刻的印象。实际上,他被维尼·杰特(Pooh Jeter)击败。他的真实是一个小规模的2个后卫。杰里德(Jerryd)在实践和进取的比赛中辛勤工作,受到粉丝的喜爱。他也处于不幸的位置,必须在与比他更好的队友比赛的两个职位上竞争几分钟。他的跳投和三分球不是他们在大学里的状况,需要改进。这些是我们可以合理地期望他改善的领域。球迷们喜欢他的攻击性驱动力,但我认为他犯了很多犯规,没有很好的驱动器,并且经常被击球时,他被高估了。我认为,如果杰里德(Jerryd)的角色更清楚地将其定义为2或1,然后将他努力工作,这将有助于他在任一位职位上赚取时间所需要做的事情。

史蒂夫·布雷克(Steve Blake)由于内特(Nate)运行三个后卫阵容时,他的投篮能力也可能会在这个位置上看到时间。

