
KP Update

在评估KP的技能作为一个通用、自然tendency is to first point to the Roy and Aldridge trades as proof of his elite status. I don't think too many people would disagree with that. Foye andTyrus Thomaswere arguably better athletes, but not players with good fundamentals and leaderships skills. So, I think KP has certainly proven himself to be a good evaluator of true basketball talent and team chemistry.

However, there is more to being a good GM than just evaluating talent. The NBA has a salary cap. Therefore, a GM must also be a great negotiator. Every dollar counts...literally. I think KP's handling of the Roy extension showed that he also a negotiator. He is not just going to throw money around like a certain former GM. I think the fact that KP was willing to pushback on a negotiation with a guy that is the pillar of the franchise shows that he is not going to make aDarius MilesorZach Randolph-type of mistake that could cripple the franchise. He is not going to buy any candy, just meat and potatoes. I think this should give Roy and Aldridge and the rest of Blazer Nation confidence that KP is an aggressive yet disciplined decision-maker. A rare combination indeed.