
Sign Lamarcus Aldridge Now!

I decided to write this because LMA has been on my mind since the wholeBrandon Roysigning. And now tonite Ben asks the question should we let LMA go through this season unsigned and enter restricted free agency? My thoughts and links to back my thoughts up after the jump.

First of all, im not that great of a writer so I hope I can get my point across without being mean or seeming like a know it all or the most likely event-- rambling on and on(LOL). I hardly know anything regarding contracts and all of the fine print that is in them. What I do know is that in the NBA, when you prove yourself over the course of your first contract, your second contract is either going to be bigger or smaller depending on your previous performance. In the case of LMA, he is in my opinion the obvious #2 on this team behind Brandon of course. We all know LMA's stats so I dont need to bore you with a buncha numbers. But what he brings to the table is rare at his position. Find one player at his age, with his stats, and his raw potential. You cant. ANyways, what Lamarcus has done for the Blazers is every bit as important as what Roy has brought. We would not be where we are at this early on without LMA, bottom line. Ladies and Gents, we are on the doorstep of contending for the Crown! Without LMA kiss the playoffs goodbye. If we let him go to free agency, it could majorly backfire on us. Someone could force us to match a ridiculously high offer just to squeeze our budget. Sorta like we did to Utah with the Millsap offer. Personally I really doubt they let LMA go into RFA. It would be a slap in his face. One thing that can make a person pist really quick is messin with his money. LMA deserves the maximum amount we can afford to pay him. Not only for his skills on the NBA court, but also what he brings to the team in terms of the culture we are trying to achieve. Do not, I repeat, Do Not let LMA go on to become a RFA at the end of the season. Stand by your word and pay the man. He deserves it. Now for some links to back up my opinion, I hope they help prove my point.

这是a quote from the post: The Curious Case of Lamarcus by Dave. It pretty much sums it all up. Dave runs this site, he knows way more than me so this quote is my strongest support.--

"Obviously the Blazers will have Aldridge's services this year no matter what. But just as obviously they won't want him to get anywhere near restricted free agency. "

The link://

这是a link to a story on LMA posted by "jpaulson" - written byKye Stephenson of Slam Online


这是a link to cabliasians great find written by :Matt Kamalsky of Draft Express

这里是一个链接到我的调查人认为LMA will get paid this next contract.


And why not throw in a short LMA youtube Highlight reel: